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Ed_Edd_Eddy - Temp Mod (accepted1/23/16)


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I cannot start a thread in the Minecraft Temp Mod section I'll post here:


1.) What is your real first name ?


2.) What is your Primary minecraft in-game name? Do you have more than 1 name? If so, what are they?

Ed_Edd_Eddy, I used to play as 'Aurorus20'

3.) Your date of birth and age is?

20/03/1993 and Current Age is 22

4.) How long have you been playing on a regular basis in our server?

2 months

5.) When did you submit your application for “Trusted?”


6.) Do you understand how to use IRC and Teamspeak (basic knowledge required), If you don't have these programs

I have both and Yes I know

7.) Are you an experienced Mod or Admin? Please explain:

Yes, I have been a Moderator on the Renegade St0rm Servers and currently a mod on the OSTK forums.

8.) Using about 15-20 words, tell us about yourself.

I'm diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, Low self-esteem but with friends like hedgehog_0 and cazembe, it won't be hard talking in chat in Minecraft

9.) How long you have been playing minecraft?

Too many years to count

10.) Have you ever been kicked, banned, or lost your Trusted status? If yes, please explain.

No I haven't

11.) A Rencorner staff position requires a commitment of time and contribution. What time zone do you live in and when would you be available to be online (to do your job).

GMT, A couple of hours, maybe more

12.) How would you contribute to making our server a place that players would want to come to and stay?

You tell me and I'll do my best to enact it :D

13.) Do you have anyone on the current staff team of position Mod or higher who has offered to sponsor you? While not a requirement, Having a sponsor can improve the application time and results.


14.) Do you know a programming language such as Linux or Java? If so, what?  N/A
15.) Do you have experience with plugins?  N/A

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Can somebody move this to the tempmod section please? ed cant send posts in there because theres no button for it

i asked him to put it here also :D

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Moved!  Thanks for your applications Eddy, I bring it up to the mod forum for a vote and discussion.  It may take as long as 10 days, check back here for results.


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Congraulations Eddy, you are accepted as Half mod and staff member.  Look for a pm with important information.


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