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Corrupt A Wish

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Guest bad2gurlz

Granted but your computer broke down

I wish life wasn't so hard


granted so you read online there is a easier way and it is to kill yourself

I wish I had my admin already...


Granted, but the community shut down.

I wish for a new computer


Granted, Sinclair spectrum sound good?

I wish for less tech related wishes


Granted, idk wtf that is.

I wish Agent's testicles will fall off.


Granted, but you end up having to eat them

I wish for OSTKD4rKz to stop whoring on C&C_Field.mix :(


Granted, but now he's your whore irl

I wish for a field_flying.mix


grated, but the orca and apache was glitches so they blew up right as they got out of wf & air.

I wish hookah wasn't so damn amazing.

Guest Animoski

Granted, it already gives you a higher risk of developing Alzheimer earlier in life

I wish weed wasn't so expensive

Guest bad2gurlz

Granted now the world is rid of weed

I wish my renegade starts working again


Granted, but you didn't delete system32, so you start cheating again

I wish for windows update not to wipe my usb drivers again :@


granted but it wipes your whole computer this time.

I wish college wasn't so damn hard.


Granted, but then you got kicked out

i wish i was rich


Granted, but animoski robs you for weed money.

I wish I had a 30 foot cock


Granted, but whenever you go hard, you faint from blood loss, making sex a 2 second experience

I wish for more time before college


Granted, but you have to spend that time with me. :wub:

I wish for mvp 50 on Field...


granted, but a hacker joines game last 5 minutes and steals your mvp.

I wish that this game was more active.


Granted, but all the players are giant cheese eating zombie Aimbotters.

I wish that mitt Romney was president.


Granted, but it turns out the election was rigged, so I end up as president instead.

I wish for lulz

Guest bad2gurlz

Granted but you don't know what that is

I wish for San ta fe burger


Granted, but that burger is infested with hookworms.

I wish for a Mercedes E430


Granted, but Posted Image

I wish for warm days


granted you get it for a few days then it snows for a few years.

I wish it was winter already.


Granted, but you get snowed in, at college

I wish I didn't have to get up early for college tomorrow


I wish I didn't have to get up early for college tomorrow

Granted, you're expelled and now have to live the rest of your life with a sub-par education.

I wish I had my own fully staffed and stocked star ship under my command.

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