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Stupid question


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Hey guys, where do you create a renegade id? Your probably thinking that's stupid as I have my Id bad2gurlz created.

Acutely my uncle created it now he's out of reach so I thought why not ask RC.

Thxx in advance.

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What do you use? WOL? If so, you can't change your name...


I use RenList.. Allows me to change my name whenever I want (before the game).

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Click 'register' at that site, then login to that link and use the nick/pass you've made. You'll be able to put in your game serial, nick, pass. You can use that to add/delete nicks and reset passwords. It's pretty much total control, binding it to the email you used.

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Or...keep using WOL. It gets us more people ingame. If you join using Renlist, then it shows you as using GSA, which doesn't show you in the server listing on WOL.

WOL = more players. Period.

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My wol shows the player shai

Bit like this

Server. Players

Rencorner.ner (10/50) 4/50

Near the server name it tells me the players

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