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Agent's Missuse of RenCorner


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He asked me to post my solution late last night. I also talked to Agent about it as well with Ani there.

I wasn't stating that to you I was stating it to bio cause Animoski said

He's not going to be content with anything less than Head Admin

Then Bio and jks replied when Animoski already spoken about how its going to be dealt with.

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well here's what I think. Agent used the commands, (NOT CHEATS) for the greater good of the server. I Think the the tp command should be avaiable to all the staff not just admins & Owners/Founders, if that isn't implemented already. Agent has done a good job as an admin in the server, but some actions from all the staff members in RenCorner have been way uncalled for

Take Jzjared for example:

He was poorly abused in his final day here on teamspeak/Minecraft server. All of us there had a part in it, including me. What I think is there should be a "Code of Conduct" for EVERY staff member within RenCorner so there mistakes made by the staff here would be partly dealt with before a silly post like this one is made.


He has been kind to those who didnt read the rules, read the spawn signs, or griefed in the past. If we want to send a positive message to those who play on our server, & bring more, we should keep Agent in our staff. (WE, as in staff of RenCorner, not including me YET[possibly])

!vote that agent stays as a head admin

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In all honesty, RnD, I think you've been talking to BioPrince a bit too much. I'm still fairly confident that the majority of the conflict is between myself and BioPrince, he's just good at making it sound like everybody agrees with him. As for whether or not I think it was right to bring this topic to the public eye, my opinion is swaying back and forth; on one hand, there are more opinions spoken, and on the other it has a potential to be a bit more of an issue.

RnD and myself have been in the middle of you two on countless occasions. Non the less, you do the exact same thing. Feed people false bullshit before they even hear the full story and they then think you're the good guy. IE G1D, Dronez, Shadow, anybody else that will listen to you mumble bullshit out of your mouth.

In conclusion, basically anything RnD says I agree with from this moment on in the thread.

C.E.O of Egypt.


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Guest Agent001

RnD and myself have been in the middle of you two on countless occasions. Non the less, you do the exact same thing. Feed people false bullshit before they even hear the full story and they then think you're the good guy. IE G1D, Dronez, Shadow, anybody else that will listen to you mumble bullshit out of your mouth.

In conclusion, basically anything RnD says I agree with from this moment on in the thread.

C.E.O of Egypt.


I can understand if you disagree with me, but devaluing people's opinions and then claiming that everything I say is "bullshit" is a bit ridiculous.

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Im not devaluing their opinion, I am saying their opinion is based on the bullshit you feed them therefore wrong. In fact you were the one that devalued and demeaned

RnD's opinion, very wrongfully I might add. Hes been in the middle of you two since this started. Also where did I use the word everything?

Their is alot of sexual tension between agent and bio. I think they should just fuck and move on.

C.E.O of Egypt

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Guest Agent001

"Im not devaluing their opinion, I am saying their opinion is based on the bullshit you feed them therefore wrong."

The latter half of what you say conflicts with your claim that you're not devaluing people's opinions. I've also not devalued RnD's opinion, but rather I explained what I thought was a potential issue. Though, please note that I did not put the word "everything" in quotations in my original post, which would mean that you hadn't said it, but may have implied it.

Also, I'm not sure if you're just trying to be funny by saying things like "sexual tension between agent and bio", but this really is not the place for jokes.

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I value their opinions how ever I believe they are wrong and the way they developed their opinions was wrong. How is that devaluing their opinion? If I "devalued" their opinions then you most certainly devalued RnD's.

The only joke here is this. Every staff conflict seems to involve you. You're childish. I can tell you aren't used to being told no. I can tell you don't like it when you don't get your way. These are all conclusions, most of the active staff have came to.

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Guest Agent001

You outright declared their opinions "wrong"; you were either intentionally devaluing their opinions, or just don't know how to form a coherent argument. I'm leading towards the latter, since you think it's fine to attack people on a personal level, and actually think that claims such as "You're childish" or "I can tell you aren't used to being told no" without any supportive evidence (there generally isn't any for a personal attack) are definitive arguments. Most of your posts in this thread are just attempts to aggravate people, rather than actually providing a valid argument. Though, I suppose it doesn't matter since you said your entire post was a joke.

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LOL agent I'm not going to bother wasting my time giving examples showing your childishness. This entire thread is about your childishness. Their opinions are wrong, its not their fault, accept it and embrace it lol. Who have I tried to aggravate? I was joking with dronez, I even said that same joke to him on team speak. You take my conflict with you as an attempt to aggravate you? I become more and more amazed at your stupidity with each passing day. Im stating personal facts about you, get over it. You bring nothing but bad things to this community.

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Guest Agent001

JD, calling any person "childish", "stupid", or any other personal attack is purely disrespectful. Your only intent is to aggravate me with statements that make you sound like you are unable to formulate any logical statement. You're not even saying that you disagree or agree with anything I've done, you're just name-calling.

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Guest Agent001

Again, you're doing exactly as you were before. Are you incapable of forming an actual argument, or are you going to keep spamming this thread?

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Its not worth my time to argue with you. There is nothing to argue about. You're childish and self centered. Why would I want to waste my time arguing with somebody with those traits?

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My opinions are my own, I shall state them how I see fit, for those who agree, I thank you, and for those who do not agree, I appreciate your views all the same, back to the matter at hand, and to correct the impression I feel some people here have, Me nor Bio ever claimed we wanted Agent to be removed from RenCorner entirely, we wanted him to lose his power of authority, he does not need it and clearly he has abused it and abused it to his benefit and that IS NOT how any Staff Member here should operate.

Agent you can sit there and bitch and whine all you desire about the legitimacy of this entire ordeal and I credit the fact perhaps some of those YOU DID use to help people but that is minuscule in the comparison of how you have used your power other times, among the top on the list that even now outright blow me away are instances like when you removed Bio's FTP Access more then one time since all this bullshit started whenever long ago, you have undermined Bio and Animoski at various times, programming back doors so you could give yourself Op on the Minecraft Server AFTER IT WAS TAKEN AWAY BY BIO. Who mind you actually out ranks your authority within the Minecraft Server.

While some of your actions can be deemed fair game, many cannot Agent, and once again you defend yourself and completely miss what the point of this topic is all about, PEOPLE HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, HEARD ABOUT IT, AND ARE PISSED OFF, does that need to be made any more clear?

And JD is correct, I cannot remember how many times Him and Me we're made to sit through your fucking arguments on Teamspeak, It was distasteful at best and more accurately unprofessional for both sides, yet in the end, I side with BioPrince on this matter because all I have ever seen him do, through the good and the bad is try and better the Minecraft Server, he did his Job which he was brought on to RenCorner to do and gave his time which he has not received anything in forms of compensation for, to better the Minecraft Server.

I am further appalled that you continue to sit and act as you do when I am sure even you know how your actions have slowed things down, hindered progress and whats more made the rest of us look bad through your abuse, You are a great guy Agent, and you have great ability's, but I said this once and I will say it again, your personality is the NUMBER ONE thing that betrays you.

For those of you here who will end up reading this I do apologize if it comes off as I have crossed the line with my argument and opinion, I am not normally in the business of yelling at people or becoming aggressive in how I communicate my views or thoughts, but this matter floors me.

Do I hate Agent? Have it out for him? Of course not, I do not believe in making matters personal and I do my best not to make them such, what I do want if nothing else is some kind of resolve here and for Agent to receive at least more then a single day of losing his powers, the fact he lost them for a day, and got them back I view as a terrible affront to the name and image of RenCorner and a personal insult to those of us who are here because we actually care about RenCorner and it's future.

In closing, I will say as I have said before that regardless of what seeking this Justice if it will be viewed as that only by me alone costs my my Full Mod status and even my privilege to be within RenCorner so be it, I will always side with those who think what they do and how well they do it matters.

~ R n D ~

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In summery, I am done with this topic, nothing is going to be done, or change I find, I do not find that either side is 100% right or wrong, but I do feel in the end, a fair number of Agent's actions, he should be punished for which he will not be, and out of respect for RenCorner, I apologize for taking part in this Drama as it is being viewed, however I expressed my views, that is all that has been done, what becomes of who, when or why, I don't make those choices, I place my faith in those that do, I do not always agree with the choices made by the powers that be, but I do not have to agree with them, they are the guiding hand here.

~ R n D ~

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LOL jd you sir are a dumbass, you get all mad cause agent "deflected" everyones opinions on him, but you are doing the same with people who agree with agent and saying it is bullshit ha!

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LOL jd you sir are a dumbass, you get all mad cause agent "deflected" everyones opinions on him, but you are doing the same with people who agree with agent and saying it is bullshit ha!


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Is this seriously still a topic? or can even be called "a thread"? All it is to me, is a disagreement between Bio & Agent. EVERYONE added onto sides or neutral comments. This thread makes 30 yr olds look like 10 yr olds who didnt get ice cream when they went out to eat. I understand the conflict between everyone, but Bio, starting this "Topic" was pointless & just caused drama for the entire community. By what I understand is that Agent will stay head-admin, but yet people are still "crying" over that fact. In an earlier comment I posted here, i said something about a "Code-of-Conduct" for the staff. From what I can gather from this entire disagreement, I recommend to Ani, that this be implemented IMMEDIATELY. & if you do wish to make one, that you have the staff agree on it, so there is no disagreements on how the staff should act.

Jd: I understand what side you come from. I was a moderator for SSI with Hekill/Agent in command. He dosnt always act childish but there is NO reason for a GLOBAL MODERATOR to be calling users name with no valid facts of this. (In other words, 'Mudslinging')

RnD: Yes yes, but I see no valid argument in your statements, other than Agent should loose his powers because of "Cheats". They are NOT cheats. They are commands designed for the specific group to use. How I see it, is that you must balance of commands vs. overuse of commands. Other than that, you should be the one talking to other community's for any reason FOR RenCorner. You make a great speech person & would do well for RenCorner.

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Guest Animoski

The issue at hand is that Agent has done a number of things since he into power that people find completely distasteful and tarnishes our reputation:

1) Regardless of the level of cheating - he's admitted to using commands that regular players, donators, and trusted members simply do not have access to - to some degree for his own benefit

- He's used his high level of authority in-game to create his own personal space at least 4x the level of people can even protect in-game

- Has used commands like "heal", "give", "feed" - all to keep his in-game avatar 100% - 100% of the time

- This was AFTER we sat down with him twice about these things and told him that anything used for his enjoyment that other people couldn't reproduce would be out of the question

2) His completely dishonesty and disloyalty to other staff members

- Improperly handled a situation when Bio and himself started kicking/banning each other the teamspeak server

- Removed Bio's access to the server configuration files multiple times, hindering productivity regardless of whatever level that may be

- When Agent was removed access to the Minecraft server, a script he implemented within RCBOT that was never truly reviewed in full allowed Agent to literally find where the Minecraft server was, and add himself back into "OP" on Minecraft

3) General conduction towards everyone is plain unfavorable. We've already had one player leave RenCorner due to the general stupidity that has been going on, i'm not going to let more leave either.

Agent is a good kid and I truly honestly believe he means well for RenCorner, but the fact is a lot of people have gotten into arguments and now have a bad feeling of where RenCorner is headed, and everything seems to be completely centered in on Agent.

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Jd: I understand what side you come from. I was a moderator for SSI with Hekill/Agent in command. He dosnt always act childish but there is NO reason for a GLOBAL MODERATOR to be calling users name with no valid facts of this. (In other words, 'Mudslinging')

valid facts? You're kidding me right?? Lundy you're smarter than that.

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Well Agent kinda put himself there. Yes he's healed me & several others to keep us from dying, but is it that bad? All u do is what the game automatically dose but in a smaller set of time. What I see, is Bio starting drama with agent, when agent is just defending himself. All the other pointless stuff just adds to Bio's cause. When Bio said to agent no-one likes him, that was way uncalled for. When Jd said a few names, that wasnt called for either. You cant yell at agent while overlooking the rest of the staff...

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