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connection to server issue with son


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Hi all,


we have a renegade disk and all (being honest, cazembe and i use the same disk/serial etc) this hasn't been an issue until recently.


when we both try to play rencorner mara at same time it boots one of us. Is there any settings or a clearance so this won't happen? Thanks in advance (we play in diff rooms etc and he knows that now he's not only gotta play by "mom's standards" but no bias as far as rules go (with me being a temp mod)


advise please?



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Everything seemed fine when you joined right now with your son (he had a different serial).


Could be on your end like you told me a few seconds ago ingame.

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ok thanks for helping Manny, if it happens again I'll try to get someones attention -- we're in the country and our internet if often times pretty bad. Thanks for helping.

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